
浏览数:23984    更新时间:2022/09    

1.Yan-Xia Jiang, Hong-Gang Liao, Shi-Gang Sun, Dispersed and Agglomerated Nanoparticles: Synthesis and Anomalous Infrared Properties, Chapter 6 in: Handbook of Electrochemical Nanotechnology (Volume 1: Nanomaterials), pp. 123-143, Eds. Y. Lin and H. S. Nalwa, American Scientific Publishers, ISBN:1-58883-121-3; ISBN:1-58883-039-X, 2009, California.

2.Shi-Gang Sun, Zhi-You Zhou, In Situ Microscope FTIR Reflection Spectroscopy and Its Applications in Electrochemical Adsorption and Electrocatalysis on Nanostructured Surfaces, Chapter 5 in: In-Situ Spectroscopic Studies of Adsorption at the Electrode and Electrocatalysis, pp.139-178, Eds. S.-G. Sun, P.A. Crhistensen and A. Wieckowski, Elsevier, ISBN-13: 978-0-444-51870-5; ISBN-10: 0-444-51870-3, 2007, Amsterdam.

3.Shi-Gang Sun, Studying electrocatalytic oxidation of small organic molecules with in situ infrared spectroscopy, Chapter 6 in: Electrocatalysis, Vol.4 of Frontiers in Electrochemistry, 243-290, Eds. J. Lipkowski and P. N. Ross, Wiley-VCH Inc., ISBN 0-471-24673-5, 1998, New York.

4.Yan-Xia Jiang, Nan Ding, Shi-Gang Sun, Enhancement of IR absorption of CO adsorbed on Palladium Nanoparticles Prepared by Ship-in-a-bottle in supercages of NaA Zeolite, Proceedings of the International Sump-osium on Solid State Chemistry in China, Frontiers of Solid State chemistry, 571-576, Eds. S.H.Feng and J.S. Chen, World Scientific, ISBN981-238-105-8, 2002, New Jersey.

5.Shi-Gang Sun, Abnormal Infrared Effects of Nanometer-Scale Thin Film Material of Platinum Group Metals and Alloys at Electrode-Electrolyte Interfaces, Chapter 21 of Catalysis and electrocatalysis at nanoparticle surfaces, 785-826, Eds. A.Wieckowski,E. Savinova and C. G. Vayenas,Marcel Dekker Inc., ISBN 0-8247-0879-2, 2003, New York.

6.Nan Ding, Yan-Xia Jiang, Shi-Gang Sun, Novel IR Properties of Pd Nanoparticles Confined in Supercages of Y-Zeolite in CO Adsorption at Electrochemical Solid/Liquid Interfaces, Quantum Confinement VI: Nanostructrured Materials and Devices, 2001-19: 34 –52, Eds. M. Cahay etc, The Electrochemical Society Inc., ISBN 1-56677-352-0, 2001, New Jersey.

7.Guo-Qiang Lu, Shi-Gang Sun, Sheng-Pei Chen, Nan-Hai Li, Yi-Yun Yang, Zhao-Wu Tian, Abnormal Optic Properties of Dispersed Platinum Layer in FTIR Reflection Spectroscopy for CO Adsorption, Chapter 36 of Electrode Processes, 436-445, Eds. A. Wieckowski and K. Itaya, PV 96-8, The Electrochemical Society, Inc., ISBN-1-56677-160-9, 1996, New Jersey.

8.Chen-Xu Wu*, Xiao-Jing Huang, Su-Zhen He, Shi-Gang Sun, Local field distribution and the configuration of CO molecules adsorbed on a nanostructured metal surface, Progress in Surface and Interface Research, Eds. Hassan Bakrim., ISBN: 81-7895-229-7, 2006, India.

9.孙世刚*,樊友军,金属单晶表面电化学与电催化,《固体表面物理化学若干研究前沿》,175-226,万惠霖等著,厦门大学出版社,ISBN 7-5615-2326-2,2006,厦门。

10.姜艳霞,孙世刚,第13章:电极催化剂的原位红外方法, 603-618,《固体催化剂研究方法》,辛勤主编,科学出版社,ISBN 7-03-012912-1,2004,北京。

11.贡辉,孙世刚,第15章:电极催化剂的表征方法,665-692,《固体催化剂研究方法》,辛勤主编,科学出版社,ISBN 7-03-012912-1,2004,北京。

12.孙世刚,1.2单晶金属电极的表面结构及界面性质,11-23;孙世刚,3.3 电催化中的表面结构效应,103-119;陈声培,孙世刚,4.1 有机电合成,131-141;姜艳霞,孙世刚,8.2 红外反射光谱法,299-309,《电化学》,吴辉煌主编,化学工业出版社,ISBN 7-5025-5244-8,2004, 北京。

13.孙世刚,电化学 纳米材料原子排列结构层次的电化学催化,《新世纪的物理化学—学科前沿与展望》第六篇,321-324,国家自然科学基金委化学科学部组编,梁文平,杨俊林,陈拥军,李灿主编,科学出版社,ISBN 7-03-013095-2,2004,北京。

14.孙世刚,固/液界面电化学催化中的原位红外反射光谱研究,200-216,《催化研究中的原位技术》,辛勤主编,北京大学出版社,ISBN ISBN 7-301-02199-2, 1993,北京。



17.Long Huang, Zhi-You Zhou, Na Tian, Shi-Gang Sun,Synthesis of precious metal nanoparticles with high surface energy and high electrocatalytic activity,Book: Advances in Electrochemical Science and Engineering, Vol 14: Electrocatalysis (Theoretical Foundations and Model Experiments), Eds.: Richaard C. Alkire, Dieter M. Kolb, Ludwig A. Kibler, Jacek Lipkowski, WILEY-VCH ISBN 978-3-527-332274,221-258。

18.Yan-Xia Jiang, Jun-Tao Li, Chun-Feng Sun, Bin Ren, Shi-Gang Sun*Nanoelectrochemistry in the people’s Republic of China ,Book: Electrochemistry Vol.12: Nanoelectrochemistry, 2013, 12: 275-335, Eds. Richard G Compton, Jay D Wadhawan, ISBN 978-1-84973-581-0,Specialist Periodical Reports, RSC Publishing,275-328。